Spring Canyon Adventure 2007 – Day 2

Synopsis: Dayhike in T— Canyon. 5 miles. Tuesday, March 13.

The consensus was that today should be an easy day. This required pancakes.


Charles with his official pancake-making hairdo. Note also Andy’s official pancake making assisting stubble.

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Lone cottonwood near camp.

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Home sweet rock.

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After the leisurely breakfast, we headed up the fork to explore.

There was a big talus pile right at the beginning, and travel was up and over rocks and through the thick brush right away.


One of the fine camping areas I picked out from the map.

(In case it’s not obvious, there is nothing even vaguely resembling a campsite in this photo — nothing but brush and streambed.)

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Charles and I have carefully pre-jiggled the quicksand for Andy.

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Early signs of spring. (Help identifying these things welcome...)

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The canyon forked. We went left.


Upper part of the side canyon just after the fork. The blocking fall is visible a half mile distant.

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It was sunny and warm at the blocking fall. This meant it was lunchtime.


No go. From the easily-accessible ledge to the top of the pouroff was only 10 or 15 feet. (The Kayenta Formation formed all the blocking falls in these canyons.)

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Charles climbing up to the luncheon booth.

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After lunch, we headed for home.


Down the canyon.

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Typical route conditions in the upper side canyon.

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When we reached the fork, Andy wisely elected to take a nap. Charles and I headed up the right fork a little. It was rugged going just as the left was, and though the possibilities looked intruiging, we were tired. We turned around after a little while and retrieved Andy.


Nearing home.

Photo by Andy Exley.
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Once back at camp, it was only midafternoon. The tent rock was blazing hot in the sun, but there was shade emerging down by the stream.


Andy prepares to pump water while I contemplate whether to pour the pot of water on his head or let him pump it.

Photo by Charles Yeamans.
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Given the time and a small stream, which is the correct course of action, building a dam or lounging around? Charles and I demonstrate the options.

Photo by Andy Exley.
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Midway through dam construction, either Andy or Charles showed up and demanded to use the trowel for its intended purpose. I was very sad until they returned.


Completed main dam with fancy rock spillway.

Photo by Andy Exley.
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Construction of the new spillway behind the lounging rock. I had convinced Andy to do a little work.

Photo by Charles Yeamans.
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Filling in the main spillway. This took several frantic loads of sand to keep ahead of it being washed away. The rock I was using to carry sand broke too.

Photo by Andy Exley.
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Eventually, I was successful in rerouting the stream almost totally, sending it in a newly dug channel behind the flat rock we had been lounging on. A fine afernoon, if you ask me.


Charles gathers water while Andy gathers firewood.

Photo by Andy Exley.
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Dinner was pasta with meat sauce, and then we hung out by the fire while the stars came out.

Please continue reading on Day 3.

E-mail: reid@reidster.net
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